

在留資格認定証明書の有効期間については、通常3か月間有効とされていますが、特例として、2019年10月1日から2021年1月29日までに作成された在留資格認定証明書は、 入国制限措置が解除された日から6か月又 は2021年 4月30日までのいずれか早い日まで有効なものとして取り扱われます。
※ 入国制限措置が解除された日とは、滞在中の国・地域の「上陸拒否」及び「既に発給された査証の効力停止」のいずれも解除された日をいいます。







Foreign nationals who have been issued with a certificate of eligibility or foreign nationals who have applied for a certificate of eligibility

(1) Foreign nationals who have been issued with a certificate of eligibility
Normally valid for 3 months, but as a special measure, certificates of eligibility which were issued between October 1, 2019 and January 29,2021 will be treated as valid for 6 months from the date of the entry restrictions being lifted or until April 30, 2021, whichever comes first.

(2) Foreign nationals who have applied for a certificate of eligibility
If a decision has been made to change the starting date of the activities for an application currently being processed, in principle, anexamination will be conducted based only on the statement of reasons prepared by the accepting organization.